Monday, May 9, 2011

a whole new kind of "tired"

Well, here are (finally) some pictures of Frannie. She will already be 3 months old tomorrow. I started back to work last week, and today am absolutely exhausted. My mom told me after her second baby, she called her mom and said "I'm just so TIRED." Her response was "Oh honey. It will only get worse." I'm trying to keep my eyes open and my head up, but it isn't easy.
Mother's Day was great. Mostly because I got to spend time with family. We watched old home movies where I was horrible to my mother, and everyone had cute little people voices. I want to make more videos of my kids because it all goes by so fast. For now, I'm trying to keep up with pictures. I ordered about 900 prints this weekend because there was a big sale, now if only I can follow through and get them in albums.
One more thing, I tried to find some blogs from "working moms" the other day- and couldn't. Mostly because we don't have time. I'm really starting to hate the labels/categories for moms: "working mom", "full-time mom", etc. they all imply that some moms work more or less than others, which isn't true. okay, I'm getting of my soap-box now...

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