I will remember to call upon the Lord
the great and glorious King.
The wisdom and mercy He has shown
to the house of Israel.
When I sing this song, I can hear Debbie singing it behind me. In my head.
One day a month or 2 ago, I was complaining about all the things going on, and how stressed I was, and how I didn't know what to do or where to start. My co-worker gently said "It's out of your hands. Say a quick prayer." I keep reminding myself of this OFTEN. In theory, it seems so simple! How many things in my life I have so little control over. December was very stressful. Some how when I(we) am(are) down to the last strand to hold on to... God shows up and everything is taken care of. Every time.
The day we spend our last dollar (not literally- I'm slightly better at it than that), we get an unexpected refund check in the mail. And every time I'm amazed.
My always-optimistic husband also helps keep me from dragging down everyone and everything with my negative views: "Are we destitute? Do our kids have anything more serious than a cold? Do we have jobs?"
des·ti·tute: Adjective:
1. Without the basic necessities of life.
2. Not having.
It has always been hard to admit when I don't have control over a situation, or something, or anything. It is even harder now as a mom. In addition to better budgeting, here's my other resolution:
step 1: acknowledge I've done everything I can do
step 2: admit to myself it is out of my hands
step 3: say a quick prayer
step 4: stop freaking out about it (the hard part)